Five Email Sequences That Every Law Firm Needs

by | May 2, 2024 | Client Intake, CRM Software | 0 comments

There is no denying the ease and convenience of email when it comes to running a law firm. From the legal client intake process to case closure, a consistent sequence of emails keeps leads engaged and clients informed. While the types of messages sent can vary considerably, the following five email sequences should be part of every law firm’s legal marketing workflow.  

#1 Initial Follow Ups 

Potential clients often choose the law firm that communicates with them in the most expedient and meaningful way. So, effective follow-up must be a central part of any legal marketing plan. Prospects that wait hours or even days for a response will look elsewhere for their legal representation needs.  

In a busy law firm environment, getting the follow up correct every time can be challenging, but that’s what makes automated emails so essential. Client relationship management (CRM) software for law firms can foolproof the follow up process by helping firms strategically manage relationships with potential and existing clients. With a legal CRM software system, firms can efficiently provide consistent communications, and level up the client intake process for increased conversions and greater law firm growth. 

The initial follow-up provides potential clients with a first impression of the firm, so it must be comprehensive and useful. As such, these automated emails may include an expression of gratitude for the prospect’s interest, pertinent information about the firm, answers to commonly asked questions, and a call to action.  

Why Responding to Prospect Emails is so Important

Don’t lose leads from delayed responses. Learn how to make the right first impression by nurturing your lead from the beginning.

#2 Lead Nurturing Emails 

For potential clients that take more time in making a representation decision, law firms need a system in place to effortlessly maintain engagement while guiding them through the legal client intake process. Email drip campaigns send scheduled emails to leads for the purpose of providing information pertinent to their legal concerns, including:  

  • Newsletters 
  • Firm updates 
  • Case studies 
  • Testimonials 
  • FAQs 
  • Industry news 
  • Calendar reminders 
  • Event invitations  

Any type of content that keeps the firm top-of-mind during the decision-making process is appropriate for lead nurturing emails. Legal CRM can also be extremely useful during this process by helping firms send these message sequences through automated emails. By setting up these automation processes, firms can better handle the lead nurturing process and increase conversion rates.  

#3 Engagement Emails 

Once clients are ready to retain a law firm’s services, an engagement email formally documents the representation and begins the attorney-client relationship on a positive note. These emails may include information related to:  

  • The scope of the services to be provided, including the legal matters to be addressed and tasks to be completed. Any agreed upon representation limitations can also be clearly stated in the engagement email.  
  • The fee structure for representation, such as billing rates, payment terms, and retainer amounts.  
  • A confidentiality and privacy clause that reassures clients that their personal information will be safeguarded and handled with the utmost confidentiality. 
  • The law firm’s commitment to professional standards and ethical responsibilities in representing the client, including the disclosure of any potential conflict of interest issues.  

The greatest benefit of the engagement letter is the management of client expectations. A comprehensive engagement letter establishes a transparent relationship where both parties have a clear understanding about the terms of representation, which helps to avoid misunderstandings down the line. These emails can also be included in an automated legal marketing system using CRM. For law firms, the ability to automate these messages saves valuable time.  

Law Ruler’s Ultimate Guide to Marketing Your Law Firm

Learn the basics of creating a legal marketing strategy, so you can demonstrate your expertise to potential clients via a timely, helpful, and interesting marketing message that converts.

#4 Case Progress 

Clients appreciate consistent progress emails that keep them informed about the status of their legal matters. These emails instill confidence that their legal interests are being accurately represented through the forward movement of their cases. Legal matters can be stressful for clients, but firms can use progress emails to alleviate that anxiety. Even if there are no significant developments, a brief explanatory email can be reassuring by providing clarity and context. 

The customization and frequency of case progress emails can vary depending on the specifics of the matter. However, some progress emails can be automated to efficiently ensure a level of communication between firms and their clients. For example, a law firm may craft a general message to explain that there has been no significant movement in the courts, but that the firm is staying on top of any progress. This type of message is perfect for the automated texting options of Law Ruler’s legal CRM software. With the automated text feature, firms can quickly send these types of progress notes to clients in a manner that clients will find convenient.  

#5 Case Closing  

A case-closing letter documents the conclusion of law firm representation on a particular matter. It is primarily sent to avoid any ambiguity about continuous representation, a problem that can lead to ethical challenges when clients mistakenly believe that they are still being represented after the case has ended. Clients need to be crystal clear about the status of their case, as well as the attorney-client relationship.  

Case closing letters can also serve as an instrumental part of an automated legal marketing process. They offer the opportunity for law firms to thank their clients for their patronage and to open the door for future representation. Firms can also use case closing letters to request feedback, referrals, or a positive review. From the start of the legal client intake process to the end of representation, law firms should consistently provide a client-centered experience. For case closings, an automated email helps to make that happen for every single client.  

Efficiently Handle Email Sequences with Legal Marketing Automation 

The legal marketing automation features offered by Law Ruler are the best option for effectively handling all your law firm’s email sequences. With this innovative platform, your law firm can easily set up automated emails, and even automated texts, to keep clients engaged and informed from beginning to end. Law Ruler also offers an AI Email Assistant feature to further help your law firm streamline email marketing and communication tasks.  

To experience all the ways that Law Ruler’s legal marketing automation helps your firm effortlessly handle email sequences, click this link for a free demonstration.  


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Maximize your client intake process and acquire more leads with Law Ruler’s all-in-one legal intake and marketing automation software. Schedule a personalized, one-on-one demonstration of Law Ruler today!


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