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Legal CRM Software
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Law Ruler has 4.8 out of 5 stars with 40 reviews on Capterra.

Tailored for Law Firms, Optimized for Conversions

Stay top-of-mind with prospects throughout the sales pipeline. Build stronger relationships with clients. Reduce time-consuming administrative tasks (and freeing up billable hours).

Our legal CRM has everything you need to track leads, stay top-of-mind with potential clients, and convert more clients from one easy-to-use platform:

Automated follow-ups by email or text
Built-in softphone
Text & video messaging
Simple contact management system
Prioritized lead management
Dashboard analytics
Task management tools
Industry-leading software support
Robust integrations


78% of customers buy from the first company that responds


Text messages have a 98% open rate—compared to 30% for emails.

legal CRM platform

Win more clients

To win more prospects, you need legal software that does the heavy lifting for you. Law Ruler’s CRM prioritizes who to call next, automates video and text messaging, and simplifies the signature process so you can make contact—and close—before leads move on to the next firm.

Personalized video and text messaging
One-click electronic signature
Built-in soft-phone dialer

Capture every lead

Missing a call or forgetting an email doesn’t have to mean losing out on leads. When law firms use text and email marketing automation, they capture leads and nurture them through the sales funnel—without taking their focus away from client work.  

Automate text and drip email campaigns to stay top of mind
Softphone dialer to call back before leads move on to competing firms
Intelligent forms to capture client information and prequalify leads
Legal CRM Software
Automated follow-ups by email or text

Connect with clients without jeopardizing billable hours

Grow relationships. Grow your practice. Keep your billable hours. Scaling a successful law practice requires balancing billable hours and administrative work. With a legal CRM system, you can stay on top of all your leads, track case metrics, manage existing clients, and drive productivity while focusing on what matters most.

Easy-to-use contact management system
Eliminate administrative tasks
Increase client retention

Get Started Today

Are you ready for the Law Ruler Revolution? Schedule a demo today to see how our legal CRM can streamline workflows, build and maintain relationships, boost lead conversions, and grow your firm’s revenue.