Compare Law Ruler
More than just a Legal CRM
What We Do
Legal CRM
This is the heartbeat of your firm. Organize your leads, prospects, and existing clients. Automate tasks for important communication. Streamline your process and don’t miss out on prospective business.
Marketing Automation
Send personalized automated texts and emails that nurture your leads and prospects with the right number of touches to ensure a positive experience and new business.
Client Intake
Deliver a five-star client intake experience with our custom form builder and templates for easy document assembly and collection of e-signature.
Dashboard Analytics
Create customizable reports that show you important KPIs on the health of your firm. Know exactly what your best marketing sources are and their ROI.
Law Ruler integrates with dozens of legal vendor tools to make sure you’re not entering data twice and you stay lean and efficient.
What People Are Saying
Law Ruler has been instrumental in capturing ALL Leads and helping us drill down on which marketing efforts REALLY work!
We are two months into our “Law Ruler Revolution” and my firm is transforming before my eyes. The immediate impact is higher lead capture through automation.
I come out looking like a rock star, so I love Law Ruler…What we liked so much about Law Ruler was it eliminated a lot of data entry errors and user errors. It really streamlined the time for the intake and offers marketing, retention of clients, and bookkeeping. All of these things are in one place. It is your one-stop-shop for all of the things that we previously did on 10 different forums.
Without Law Ruler, we would need 2-3 more employees to perform the same tasks each week.